Story Planner’s free-to-enter monthly competitions

Story Plannerblog-logo offers online tools  for writers to prepare story structure, understand characters, define log lines and more. We believe it’s the largest collection of writing plans online, and it’s growing all the time. We’re now offering free monthly competitions for writers!

We think exploring your novel or screenplay idea in different ways is a Good Thing. So we’re running free-to-enter monthly competitions to encourage writers to try specific plans at the site. Our latest competition is for a screenplay plan created using any plan from our Screenplay Structure category.  You can read more about this competition on our blog here.

This Story Planner competition will end May 1st, with winners advised soon afterwards.

Rules and Terms:

  • The specified  story plan must be submitted to before midnight GMT on May 1st.
  • The prizes will be specified in the blog post detailing each competition, and will include a year’s subscription to Story Planner.
  • We will not publish any of the created plans and copyright always remains with the author.
  • There is no minimum or maximum word length, but entrants should bear in mind that each Story Planner plan is devised to showcase a story’s structure in a brief format.
  • Writers can submit as many competition entries as they wish.
  • The judges decision is final in all cases. We hope you may find it a useful exercise to think about your story with a new planning method!

Happy writing, and the first competition involving the a great prize of a Script Hakr course worth $299 is detailed here.

Good luck!
